Education for Life and Community : Area-based Experience and Policy Recommendation


  • พรใจ ลี่ทองอิน, อาจารย์ ดร. Faculty of Education, Srinakharinwirot University


learning process, knowledge construction, sustainable community


The purpose of this research is to study learning process and knowledge construction that promote sustainable community and public policy that encourage community participation in educational management. Employing grounded theory was the methodology used in the study. The 34 key informants were purposively selected through the theoretical sampling. The data were collected and analyzed through in – depth interviewing. The research finding reveals that the learning process that promotes sustainability in the community include the integrating of prior knowledge and practical knowledge that relevant to the community way of life and those of knowledge constructed aim at community living. Through this process, the learning process and knowledge construction consolidate the community in wisdom, self- reliance which contribute to sustainable community.

Author Biography

พรใจ ลี่ทองอิน, อาจารย์ ดร., Faculty of Education, Srinakharinwirot University

Department of Foundations of Education


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How to Cite

ลี่ทองอิน พ. (2019). Education for Life and Community : Area-based Experience and Policy Recommendation. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 24(1), 180–201. Retrieved from