The Transformation of Ethnic Development Work in Northern Thailand : From the Catholic Church to Catholic-Inspired NGOs


  • พรรณ์ทิพย์ เพ็ชรวิจิตร Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University


Catholic-Inspired NGOs, Development work, Ethnic groups, the Catholic Church


The Roman Catholic Church has been performing services, development work and supporting charities simultaneously for a long time regardless of race or religion. When the world’s context changed, the roles of the religious organizations were significantly reduced in the modern world that held onto reasonability. Therefore, religion became a personal choice. The Roman Catholic Church has been transformed constantly and one of the important events is the Vatican Council II (1962-1965 C.E.) after World War II and the Cold War. The major problem was immigrants around the world. The Roman Catholic Church based in different areas adjusted itself according to the Vatican Council II and started development work by focusing on immigration problems. The Catholic Church in Thailand changed itself too. This Change made a difference in ethnic development work of the Church and the orders which has begun since 1950s. The transformation of the Catholic Church is beneficial to the ethnic groups in Northern Thailand.

Author Biography

พรรณ์ทิพย์ เพ็ชรวิจิตร, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University

Department of History


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How to Cite

เพ็ชรวิจิตร พ. (2019). The Transformation of Ethnic Development Work in Northern Thailand : From the Catholic Church to Catholic-Inspired NGOs. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 23(2), 79–105. Retrieved from