Rights Protection and Access to Justice of the Destitute in the Protection Center for the Destitute


  • ภีมกร โดมมงคล Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University


Rights Protection, Access to Justice, Destitute


This article describes the situation of destitute and their issues of rights protection as well as their ac-cessing to justice. The objectives of this study are to study laws, principles, practical principles to protect rights, problems, causes, obstacles, impacts and remedies resulting from right infringement and inaccessibility to justice, procedures of relevant competent staff and to propose of appropriate practices for the protection of rights and access to the rights of the destitute in The Protection Center for The Destitute. This research is documentary research that focuses on the review of research articles related to right protection and access to justice in the dimension of social welfare, access to justice under the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, 2017 and the Protection of the Destitute Act, 2014 on the concept of rights and human rights, the concept of rights protection and protection of rights under the judicial process, the concept of destitute protection by law and principles of the Protection Center for the destitute for the protection of rights. Results showed that most of the destitute being infringed in the process of screening and forwarding the services to the agency due to the obstacles of execution of relevant officers such as discrimination, lack of understanding in role and re-sponsibilities ,social work operation skill, specific standard of operation, data base integration, collaboration in all level among the government agencies, unable to work mutually under the Protection of the Destitute Act, 2014, the destitute lack of knowledge, understanding and acknowledgement of own rights protected by law. Being discriminated against, lacking rights protection and remedies from the relevant competent authori-ties and the lack of appropriate remedies from the government agencies. Although there are some criteria and methods for claiming for the destitute who not obtained the rights protection and inappropriate treatment from the Destitute in The Protection Center. It was found that there is only claiming method but no concrete remedial guidelines to support this situation in practice. the results of this study could be used for formulating policies, improving the law and developing appropriate mechanism in order to find suitable practices for the rights protection and accessing to justice for the destitute.

Author Biography

ภีมกร โดมมงคล, Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University

Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Program in Criminology and Criminal Justice


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How to Cite

โดมมงคล ภ. (2019). Rights Protection and Access to Justice of the Destitute in the Protection Center for the Destitute. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 27(1), 158–191. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/swjournal/article/view/178350