The Development of Inquiry Official’s Role in Protecting Juvenile Delinquents in Criminal Case : A Case Study of Metropolitan Police
Development of the Roles, Inquiry Official, Protecting JuvenileAbstract
The purpose of the research was to study about the role of the inquiry official. Objective for studying the role of the inquiry official’s factors and treats to find the ways are developed role of the inquiry official in protecting the rights of juvenile delinquents in criminal case at the Metropolitan Police Bureau.
This research was conducted by Academic researches, Official researches, Domestic Researches, Articles, Analysis, Academic seminars, Dissertation and In-depth interviews. Data were collected using a set of questionnaire with a sample of 251 individuals and in-depth interviews with eminent persons.
The study found that the most sample of the Metropolitan Police Bureau knows and understands what their role for the protection of juvenile. Recommendations from this study are the Metropolitan Police should support by the necessary equipment and sufficient budgets and also the place to control juvenile, coordination center that make investigator works more effective. Investigation process is complicated, the inquiry official should have to be a coordinator between Interdisciplinary and parent every step for the principle justifications. That’s why they should have to learn this specifically for role and responsibilities with continuous working that’s necessary. They would be pay attentions to the investigation process. They have to practices and develop their skill and need to have knowledge about the treatment of juvenile to ensure that they are treated appropriately.
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