The Evaluation of Integrity and Transparency Project of the Local Administration in Ratchaburi Province


  • Seree Woraphong Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Mahidol University


Project evaluation, integrity and transparency, local administration organization


The objectives of this study are: to evaluate the moral and transparency projects of the local Administration organization in the area of ​​Ratchaburi Province, to create measures to prevent and suppress corruption both at the policy and operational levels, to give recommendations for improving and developing morality and transparency in the operations of government agencies in order to raise the Thai Corruption Perception Index [CPI]. The projects and plans shall be implemented with transparency. The monitoring & evaluation system shall be applied for the projects and plans of the government focusing on those of local administrative organizations. People can file complaints through various channels and they shall be constantly informed the progress of the investigation throughout the process. All personnel in the Department are encouraged to perform their duties with service minds, honesty, transparency, and enthusiasm with fast & efficient services. All personnel should be aware of and regularly practice these core values and should also be educated about the conflict of interest so that they can avoid it.

Author Biography

Seree Woraphong, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Mahidol University

Assistant Professor Seree Woraphong, Ph.D Full-time lecturer, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Mahidol University


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How to Cite

Woraphong, S. (2020). The Evaluation of Integrity and Transparency Project of the Local Administration in Ratchaburi Province. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 28(2), 164–178. Retrieved from



Research Article