Cultural Council Executive Structure Development through Local Network Collaboration under the National Cultural Act 2010


  • Assistant Professor Ronnarong Jundai Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


Cultural council, participation, cultural network


The objectives of this research are to create cultural council models and policy proposals that lead to development application, improving provincial cultural council operations and broaden the results to neighboring provinces, and conducting provincial cultural council board of director structure development course via local network participation per National Culture Act B.E. 2553 (2010). A trial and error of said development course will be conducted on 8 pilot provinces to evaluate awareness and understanding on the operations of cultural councils, on putting the policy into practice on local areas, and on success factors based on said operations via local network participation. The pilot provinces will process knowledge obtained from studying, analyzing and comparing the differences between cultural councils per National Culture Act B.E. 2553 (2010) and chamber of commerce per the Chambers of Commerce Act B.E. 2509 (1966). They will also process issues and obstacles of operations related to cultural councils per the National Culture Act B.E. 2553 (2010) to find improvements that would strengthen provincial cultural council board of director structure and effectively be self-reliable. The research results found that 1) operations of cultural councils should comprise of components from cultural promotion with collective goals, participating in cultural council activities as culture is the people’s property, and elevating culture into a innovative economy that promotes current way of life; 2) developing cultural council board of director structure that branches out cultural networks and strengthen the structure through participation of involving network agencies acting as the core of cultural network operations; 3) a desirable cultural council should act as a model on promoting, preserving, restoring and broadening local cultures by placing importance on local people (the owner of these cultures) and involving them to participate and create jobs and income; promoting economy alongside preserving culture. Furthermore, a concrete and practical operations need to be put in place regarding staffs, locations, budgets. Those participating in cultural council must come from diverse sectors and promote people of all ages to adopt more roles in the cultural council’s operations; 4) policy proposal and practical implementation on the development and improvement of cultural council board of director structure include proposals regarding the council’s operations, the structure of cultural council board of director, the promotion of cultural network participation and the administration


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How to Cite

Jundai, R. (2021). Cultural Council Executive Structure Development through Local Network Collaboration under the National Cultural Act 2010. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 29(1), 138–176. Retrieved from



Research Article