The Student and Their Mental Health Literacy



Student, Mental Health Literacy


The mental health literacy concept was derived from health literacy, which aims to increase people's knowledge and attitude about their mental health, illnesses, and treatments. MHL was an essential skill for promoting mental health in all age groups, especially university students. Which could take care of their minds. Students with an appropriate MHL could be able to recognize the mental disorder that arises from the beginning, taking care of their mental health and seek appropriate professional help available. MHL could be assessed through various methods, including an interview and a questionnaire. MHL was a skill that could be developed.  The Organizations or the departments that taking care of university students might use the MHL concept for promoting their mental health and the quality of student life.


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How to Cite

Sriwichai, N., & Kuwiwatchai, M. (2021). The Student and Their Mental Health Literacy. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 29(2), 37–65. Retrieved from