Roles of Thai-Mon Communities at Ban Chedi Thong in the connection between Temples and Monks in Sam Khok District Pathum Thani


  • Shanaclunkanyakon Punwatannakon Faculty of Architecture, Graduate School, Silpakorn University
  • Assistant Professor Supitcha Tovivich, Ph.D. Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn University


The role of the temples, The community lifestyle, Thai-mon


The objectives of this article are 1) to study the roles of Thai-Mon communities of Ban Chedi Thong in the connection between temples and monks in Sam Khok District Pathum Thani Province 2) to study the connection of Thai-Mon communities in Golden Chedi House with temples and monks in conserving and restoring cultural heritage. There are 2 sets of interview forms, consisting of the first set, interviews with villagers and temple committees, and second set, interviews with monks. The selected sample population consisted of (1) a group of 4 villagers, (2) a group of three temple committees, (3) a group of three monks, (4) a group of three temples (by interviewing through the original set of monks.)

The results showed the roles of Thai-Mon communities in Ban Chedi Thong in the connection between temples and monks in Sam Khok District Pathum Thani Province. There is also a strong connection with the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage through various activities such as 1) managing the property of the temple, helping various activities within the temple and conducting activities on behalf of the monks 2) As for the temple, it plays a role as a social and cultural advocate. For example, as a festival venue it is an arts and culture center as a place of ritual. 3) The role of the monks as spiritual and cultural advocates, such as ethical training, spreading the dharma mental development promotion and conservation of arts and culture; 4) in terms of accessing the area and places within the temple by giving importance to the Worship hall, prayer hall, Buddhist temple, waterfront area and the Mon pagoda. The aforementioned reveal the role of the building for the activities of the lay and clergy. The focus is on the usability of the activity, the frequency of access to the area that follows and the economic area leading to the connection between the temple and the community.


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How to Cite

Punwatannakon, S., & Tovivich, S. (2021). Roles of Thai-Mon Communities at Ban Chedi Thong in the connection between Temples and Monks in Sam Khok District Pathum Thani . Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 29(2), 221–253. Retrieved from



Research Article