Career Development Mechanism and Support for Women Experiencing Violence A Case Study of The Emergency Shelter of Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women


  • Assistant Professor Narakate Yimsook, Ph.D. Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


Career development mechanism and support, Women experiencing violence, Emergency shelter


This research is qualitative research with the following objectives: To study the mechanism and support of career development and the results of mechanisms and support for the career development of women experiencing violence. The research methods comprised of documentary research and field research from The Emergency Shelter of Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women. The samples are divided into two groups; the first includes eleven staff and the second includes two people who used to use the service at the emergency shelter. The research finds that The Emergency Shelter of Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women (1) has 4 mechanisms for women experiencing violence that facilitate the career development process more efficiently, consisting of Preparation Before Training, Client Needs Survey, Career Development, and Evaluation and Follow up. (2) has 4 means of support for women experiencing violence that facilitate the career development process more comfortably consisting of Psychological Support, Childcare Support, Career Counseling Support, and Additional Training and Knowledge Support, and (3) cases studies that used to use the service of the emergency shelter which reveal that they can overcome problems, experience behavioral changes for the better, and do not enter the cycle of violence. For career development, the case studies are not engaged in the main occupation according to the vocational training course but have brought the skills and abilities that have been acquired to carry out in additional occupations and use in daily life.


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How to Cite

Yimsook, N. (2021). Career Development Mechanism and Support for Women Experiencing Violence A Case Study of The Emergency Shelter of Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 29(2), 130–161. Retrieved from



Research Article