Returning Home: Preparation process for Children and Woman Violence from Emergency Housing


  • Assistant Professor Sirinrat Kanchanakunjara, Ph.D. Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


Preparation for returning to family, Abused children and women, Shelter residence


This research has as its objective the study of forms, processes and results of the preparation for children and women to return to their families. This qualitative research employed an in-depth interview using tools of a semi-structured interview, participant observation, and non-participant observation. The participants were divided into three groups: Group 1, including three multi-disciplinary staff working at a shelter residence; Group 2, including four social workers; and Group 3, including two service users who have already returned to their family.

The results of the study revealed that the preparation for children and women to return to their family (1) mainly used a specific social case work method, especially in form of case management, while a social group work methodology was additionally applied. In this regard, case management focused on enhancing the quality of effective correction, treatment, and rehabilitation in order that the service users could receive the greatest benefit, and the services best met users’ needs; (2) consisted of all steps of social work practices. In addition, practitioners needed to be familiar with techniques and possess work skills including interviews, home visits, counseling, family-based social work practices, as well as monitoring and evaluation. It also showed that (3) service users who returned to their families were highly satisfied with the preparation. This was because the preparation process conducted by the shelter residence offered a variety of activities and covered their needs. The result of the preparation helped create sustainability for the service users as they could remain out of trouble, have stability in life, and never return to the cycle of violence. This reflects that the social work process has brought the service users back to be able to live their lives with dignity.

Author Biography

Assistant Professor Sirinrat Kanchanakunjara, Ph.D., Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University

Lecture, Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University, Thailand


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How to Cite

Kanchanakunjara, S. (2021). Returning Home: Preparation process for Children and Woman Violence from Emergency Housing. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 29(2), 94–129. Retrieved from



Research Article