Development of Community Empowerment, Social Monitoring and Assisting Individuals who are Economically and Socially Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • กาญจนา รอดแก้ว คณะสังคมสงเคราะห์ศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศษสตร์


Community empowerment, Economic effect, Social effect


The objective of the development of community empowerment, social monitoring and assisting individuals who are economically and socially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic is to develop community empowerment to include a social monitoring system and to assist individuals who are economically and socially affected by the pandemic. The operating method is to empower the community in order to develop a community empowerment format. The research result is as follows: developing community empowerment format to include social monitoring system and assisting individuals who are economically and socially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic includes: 1) Preparing the community; 2) Studying the community by collecting community data, analyzing data through the participation and learning of the community; 3) Discussions and field visits to learn and create a community network; 4) Creating a plan at community level to prepare the community for specific situations; 5) Developing projects by creating a project description to prepare for application; 6) Project operations are implementing scheduled projects for result-based application; and 7) Summarizing and extracting community lessons learned is a way to review the operations as a lesson for the community.


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How to Cite

รอดแก้ว ก. (2021). Development of Community Empowerment, Social Monitoring and Assisting Individuals who are Economically and Socially Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 29(2), 189–220. Retrieved from



Research Article