Greenwashing through Criminology Perspective


  • Wanatsanan Kanthawong Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand


Greenwashing, Criminology, Economic crime, Environmental crime


This article aims to create knowledge about “greenwashing” by presenting the phenomenon of greenwashing through the perspective of criminology. Greenwashing is an environmental issue in the 21st century, which involves the use of various claimed marketing tactics by companies to create an environmentally friendly image. These tactics included: 1) the hidden trade-off, 2) no proof, 3) vagueness, 4) irrelevant information, 5) spurious comparisons, 6) fibbing, and 7) worshiping false labels.
The study found that greenwashing is an effective tool to create a positive environmental image, achieved through social institutions and mainstream media by using marketing, advertising, public discourse, and friendly environmental public relations. However, greenwashing has negative impacts, including: 1) non-traditional threats, 2) natural disasters, 3) failure to achieve greenhouse gas reduction targets, and 4) declining business credibility.Analyzed greenwashing through criminology perspective, it can be categorized as an “Economic crime” committed by companies seeking to deceive consumers through misleading advertising that presents a false image of being environmentally friendly. This can lead to consumer fraud. In addition, “Environmental crime” committed by humans who directly harm the environment and seek benefit from natural resources such as air, water, soil, plants, and wildlife, is common in greenwashing. The offenders of greenwashing were 1) individuals as white-collar criminals; and 2) legal entities committed by companies or organizations. This research provides important recommendations as follow: creating knowledge about greenwashing; developing standards for reviewing policies related to environmental friendliness; establishing task force and law enforcement agencies; providing education and understanding to consumers as part of their responsibility; and fostering ongoing environmental awareness and consciousness.


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How to Cite

Kanthawong, W. (2023). Greenwashing through Criminology Perspective. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 31(2), 73–121. Retrieved from