Guidelines for Upgrading and Developing Product Marketing Channels for Agricultural Products that are Out-of-Grade and left behind in a Case Study: Chom Pratat Community, Ratchaburi Province
Enhancement of agricultural waste products, Developing marketing channels, Community products, Banana peelsAbstract
The objectives of this research are to 1) develop products from agricultural leftovers in a community. 2) Develop marketing strategies for leftover subgrade agricultural products in Chom Pratat Subdistrict, Wat Phleng District, Ratchaburi Province. This research was conducted according to the steps of the social learning process (SLP) theory, consisting of 6 steps, namely, increase awareness of the problem, find options to solve problems, decide on a choice, learn and do, evaluate the activities, and improve the protocol. As a matter of fact, the agricultural waste was created by people in the community reflecting the problem of large amounts of leftover banana trees wanting to add value. Therefore, the research question arises: How can banana peels be used and add value? The researcher then conducted public relations to find interested groups who are aware of the waste problem from agricultural waste materials. In the area of Chom Pratat Subdistrict and nearby subdistricts, there are 20 cases, consisting of members of housewives, farmers, community leaders, elderly people, and retired government teachers were Join the project.
The results found that: 1) Training on processing waste agricultural products is critical, as evidenced by the transformation of Namwa banana trees into banana sheath paper, which can then be processed into sandalwood flowers, wreaths, and bags. This will help increase income for these people. 2) Creating marketing channels to increase income for the group can be divided into 2 channels: selling online through the members' Facebook pages and selling through the storefront of the group. Housewives' club can be a potential distributor. This involvement in reducing community waste not only strengthens cooperation within the community and reduces stress for the elderly, but also creates jobs and increases income for communities in a sustainable manner.
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