Performance evaluation of Bueng Yitho Day Care and Day Service Center for the Elderly


  • Associate Professor, Wanalak Miankerd, Ph.D. Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand


Day Care and Day Service Center, Elderly, Evaluation, CIPPiest Model


This research is an evaluation study research employing the CIPPiest Model. Its purpose is to study the provision of services, assess performance, and identify areas for further improvement in the operations of day care centers for the elderly, established by Bueng Yitho Municipality in 2019 as an alternative service for the elderly in the community. There were approximately 30 service users, specifically 7-10 persons daily. Based on the results of the operational assessment, all criteria have been achieved as follows: 1) Context: The municipality's policies were in line with those executed by the government. The number of elderly individuals in need of rehabilitation has been increasing, creating an atmosphere conducive to the concrete establishment of the center; 2) Input: Personnel, budgets, documents, and planning and implementation time were found to be appropriate; 3) Process: the municipality has prioritized systematic management, service provision, and evaluation with established mechanisms and tools; 4) Output: a range of activities spanning health, physiotherapy, and social and psychological care for both group and private services were offered on a case-by-case basis while the elderly were regarded as the core of the services; 5) Impact: caregivers receivesupport and relief from elderly caretaking tasks during the day. Moreover, the center was recognized by the HAPI Award in the field of community initiatives from Japanese, thus creating an impact on international organizations; 6) Evaluation of effectiveness: the services enable the elderly to engage in more daily activities, maintain physical condition, and promote self-reliance; 7) Sustainability: the center has continuously provided services and developed their operation into a training center; and 8) Knowledge transfer: ongoing knowledge exchange with at least 2 local government organizations interested in establishing a center. For as suggestions for the development, the municipality should develop and apply technology in services offered to the elderly and consider acquiring additional staff for certain positions, e.g., facilitators and social workers, to complete the service integration across all facets. At the operational level, public awareness should be raised through increased public communications and involvement of families and communities to support elderly care. A wider variety of activities should be developed to allow the elderly to choose activities they are interested in independently.


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How to Cite

เมียนเกิด ว. (2024). Performance evaluation of Bueng Yitho Day Care and Day Service Center for the Elderly. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 32(1), 153–182. Retrieved from



Research Article