A Study of the Effects of Self-Control Program on Substance Abuse Reduction Behaviors of Youth with in Juvenile Vocational Training Center: A Case Study of Ban Karuna Juvenile Vocational Training Center for Boys
Self-control, Substance abuse, Juvenile vocational training centerAbstract
This research aims to develop and study the results of a self-control programusing Rosembaum's self-control framework to reduce drug use behavior among youth within training and vocational centers. The case study focuses on Ban Karuna Juvenile Vocational Training Center for boys. It is a quasi-experimental research with two groups, measuring results before and after the experiment. The control group received the usual program available at the juvenile vocational training center, while the experimental group received both the usual program available at the juvenile vocational training center and the self-control program on substance abuse reduction behaviors developed by the researcher. The sample youths were selected as male youths aged 18-24 years who had used drugs before committing crimes and who, during training, exhibited behavior that violated the center’s rules and regulations of the training and training center regarding the use of drugs have been on duty for 3 consecutive months and have trained for at least 6 months. A purposive sample of 20 youths was selected using the lottery method and divided into experimental groups and control groups, with 10 people per group. The results of the study found that the youths in the experimental group, who received an additional self-control program in addition to using the usual program available at the juvenile vocational training center were able to promote the youth to have self-control skills different from those before participating in the program statistically significant (Z = 2.085 and symp. Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.005). Including self-control programs helps youth reduce or stop using drugs more and can be used in conjunction with the regular treatment program available at the juvenile vocational training center to increase self-control skills for the youth within the training and training center higher level of self-control
Important suggestions include: Activity details should be adjusted to provide more variety. Emphasis is placed on practice or role-play situations rather than writing. And there should be a policy to implement the self-control program to be used as a special treatment program. For youths who have already received the normal treatment program available at the juvenile vocational training center, but still have many times committed substance abuse behaviors. To help change the behavior of youth for the better.
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