The Study on Facilities Need for Elderly in Bangkok Urban Community


  • ศิริรัตน์ วิชิตวาที มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ


Elderly, Facility


This article has a purpose. To study the needs of public facilities in the elderly.Taking into account the physical needs of the elderly population according to the situation. In daily life, it is suitable for the elderly who meet the needs of the body. And to facilitate the life of the elderly.Sufficient and practically usable in the life of the elderly.Use survey form. It is a tool to collect data from the target audience in the study. A case study of the elderly in Bangkok metropolitan area.There is a need for public facilities in the area as follows: 1) housing 2) religious places and 3) public places There are 2 criteria for collecting data as follows: 1) Elderly people over 60 years old and 2) Elderly people living in Bangkok. The research found that Demand for public facilities for the elderly is divided into 5 areas: And information services. The study population had the highest need for public facilities for the elderly. The demand for information services was the lowest, followed by the bathroom and the least demand, the ramp and study results. Comparison of the difference of the sample data with the demand for public facilities.For the elderly, the sample was sex, age, marital status. Education, occupation, income, housing, disability, physical therapy Self-help, housing, and the rate of use of public facilities vary. There is no need for public facilities for the elderly.


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How to Cite

วิชิตวาที ศ. (2019). The Study on Facilities Need for Elderly in Bangkok Urban Community. Journal of Social Synergy, 9(3), 20–34. Retrieved from



Research Report