The Strategies of Liquor outlet Surrounding Universities in Stimulating Student’s Demand


  • เบญจพร บัวสำลี คณะสังคมสงเคราะห์ศาสตร์และสวัสดิการ สังคม มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ


Marketing Strategies, Alcoholic Beverage, Liquor outlet surrounding Universities


The study on “The Strategies of Liquor outlet Surrounding Universities in Stimulating Student’s Demand” employed mixed research methods both qualitative and quantitative research methodology. The Findings is liquor outlet surrounding universities used 5 marketing strategies to stimulate student demand namely: (1) advertising directly to target group through online media i.e facebook, line, etc. (2) sale promotion, i.e providing discounts, exchanging with any reward or with another alcoholic beverage, (3 ) public relations to create good image (4 ) personal selling by face-to-face selling, (5) event marketing to stimulate demand. Most student have positive towards liquor outlet surrounding universities and came back to drink 1 – 2 times per week. Based on the findings, university should has clearly regulations which should be able to implement and preventing student to be far away from liquor outlet surrounding universities. University should conduct continuously activities to protest liquor, being main organization to protest the liquor outlet surrounding universities, collaborate with community surrounding universities, and conduct public hearing to look for alternative liquor business surrounding universities. Government should restrict to liquor outlet surrounding universities forcing them to follow Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, BE 2551 (2008) including control mass media i.e. television, magazine, radio, internet, etc. that advertising liquor by using corporate social responsibility strategy which stimulate good image of liquor and resulting to lack of awareness on the negative impact of liquor.


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How to Cite

บัวสำลี เ. (2019). The Strategies of Liquor outlet Surrounding Universities in Stimulating Student’s Demand. Journal of Social Synergy, 9(3), 48–57. Retrieved from



Research Report