Area Based Case Management for Underprivileged Children: A Case Study of KLONG TOEI MODEL Project


  • ดำรงศิลป์ เป็งใจ คณะสังคมสงเคราะห์ศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ


Area based case management, Underprivileged children, Klong Toei Model Project


The objectives of this study were 1) to study an area based case management for underprivileged children in Klong Toei area 2) to study the case manager capacity building process, its result, and the strength and obstacles of case manager in Klong Toei community area 3) to find out the suggestion of case management development for underprivileged children in Klong Toei area. Collecting data was using qualitative research by an in-depth interview of Klong Toei model project manager, supervisor, head of the case managers and group discussion.

The study revealed that 1) Area based case management for underprivileged children in Klong Toei area is a concept and procedure of local case manager which is a referral system to the organizations concerning with multidisciplinary model and work with the community. 2) The case manager capacity building processes were a concept convergence, training, active learning and supervision.  Its result bring to the case manager’s positive attitude and knowledge. There were network and extending practice. It also results to underprivileged children to get more proactive service systematically. The strength of case management was the referral system to the concern organizations, understanding of community and children situation, working experience, coordinating of local multidisciplinary team, working intention, and work capacity. The obstacle of case management were that the case manager works a variety so they couldn’t work in-depth. Carrying out case manager’s duty affects to community relationship, getting use to a routine work, job advancement, insufficient professional expertise, and lack of co-operation of multidisciplinary team. 3)  The suggestion for case management development for underprivileged children in Klong Toei area was that the case manager’s role should be encouraged and also build up his/her capacity. The case manager should be able to work with the policy level and work in-depth with children and family. In addition, there should have a professional co –ordination unit providing a capacity building for workers who working with underprivileged children in Klong Toei as well as an awareness of the importance of case manager and also multidisciplinary team.


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How to Cite

เป็งใจ ด. (2020). Area Based Case Management for Underprivileged Children: A Case Study of KLONG TOEI MODEL Project. Journal of Social Synergy, 10(2), 61–75. Retrieved from



Research Report