Community Participation in Caring of Co-occurring Disorder


  • Geeratiya Aunjaroen Thammasat University


co-occurring disorder, community participation, psychiatric social work


This research was conducted to study of Community participation in caring of co-occurring disorder in Baan Hom health promoting hospital Amphoe Maung Nakorn Phanom. The Objectives are to examine the level of knowledge and attitude of people who participated in caring of co-occurring disorder in community and to study the participation in and the factors related to caring of co-occurring disorder in community. This study is a survey research. The samples used in the study were 290 residents who live nearby Baan Hom health promoting hospital Amphoe Maung Nakorn Phanom. Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, mean, mode, the test of independence and Pearson correlation coefficient with a statistical significance of 0.05.    

The research findings were as follows. The most of samples were female, the average age of the participants was 40-61 year-old and their educational level was at primary school. The most of samples were married, the major job is farmer and the average income was 600 – 4,480 baht. The most of samples were not the relatives, caretaker of co-occurring disorder and not participated in community. The percentage of knowledge is 62.40 in average level. The percentage of the attitude of people who participated in caring of co-occurring disorder in community are 64.50. The most of samples’ attitude is passive attitude. The percentage of the participation in and the factors related to caring of co-occurring disorder in community is 44.10 in high level.

The result of correlation of the participation in and the factors related to caring of co-occurring disorder in community found that gender and Community Participation related to caring of co-occurring disorder in community with a statistical significance of 0.05. The level of knowledge related in the positive direction with the participation in caring of co-occurring disorder in community with a statistical significance of 0.05. The level of attitude related in the positive direction with the participation in caring of co-occurring disorder in community with a statistical significance of 0.01. According to the study, the factors related to caring of co-occurring disorder in community are personal factor. For example gender, community Participation, the level of knowledge and the attitude with the participation in caring of co-occurring disorder in community.

The recommendation of the research are 1) the other departments can use the knowledge assets of this study to analyze and plan for rehabilitation of patients in the community. 2) To promote the people to participate in community for caring of co-occurring disorder properly. 3) Focus on proactive work by giving the right knowledge for people who live in the community especially the knowledge about addictive substances. 4) create a positive attitude for people who live in the community.


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How to Cite

Aunjaroen, G. (2020). Community Participation in Caring of Co-occurring Disorder. Journal of Social Synergy, 10(2), 41–60. Retrieved from



Research Report