The Employment Graduated from Faculty of Social Work and Social Welfare, Academic Year 2018


  • siriporn kaukulnurak Faculty of social work and social welfare


the employment status, social work graduated, Faculty of Social Work and Social Welfare


The purpose of this research was to study the employment status of undergraduate students from Faculty of Social Work and Social Welfare in the Academic Year 2017. The samples were 66 graduated. Data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed statistically by frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The results were as follows. Most of graduated were employed (80.30%) and got job within 3 months after graduated (42.42%). Of those who were gainfully employed, 62.26% of them worked in government sector, 69.81% work place at Bangkok Metropolitan region, 32.07% were social workers or social worker assistants, 62.26% earn salary around 14,001-16,000 baht a month. Most of the graduates, 69.81% work related social work or social welfare and 43.39% applied much of their knowledge gained from study to their work.

            Most of the graduates did not further study (90.91%) and 50% of the graduates expressed their desire to continue further studies in the future.


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How to Cite

kaukulnurak, siriporn. (2020). The Employment Graduated from Faculty of Social Work and Social Welfare, Academic Year 2018. Journal of Social Synergy, 11(1), 62–73. Retrieved from



Research Report