Awareness and acceptance on good environmental governance criteria: A case study of industrial factory participated in environment governance project of Samut Prakan province


  • SOMPHON NODTHAISONG มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ


Awareness, Acceptance, Good environmental governance


The purpose of this research was to study practical guideline of industry factory which participate in environmental governance criteria project and to analyze awareness and acceptance level toward environmental governance criteria. The population and samples of this study were the entrepreneur industry factory in Samutprakan province who joined in environmental governance management since 2018, samples were 85 owners administrators staffs and community leader, the instruments were interview and questionnaire. The statistical analysis showed the frequency, percentage, average, contents analysis for interview analysis, and Chi-square for hypothesis testing.

The research results found that awareness and acceptance of samples participated on good environmental governance criteria in 7 elements were the ability to access information, people’s participation in problem-solving, transparency, social responsibility, rule of law, justice and sustainability were high average score and owner or representative have their roles for environmental problem protection and enthusiasm to join in the project. The communication channel media to get the right information about the impact of the environmental problem via the web site, newspaper, and others.


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How to Cite

NODTHAISONG, S. (2020). Awareness and acceptance on good environmental governance criteria: A case study of industrial factory participated in environment governance project of Samut Prakan province. Journal of Social Synergy, 11(2), 15–24. Retrieved from



Research Report