Poverty, COVID-19, Role of International Organizations, and Suggestion of Poverty Elimination in Thailand


  • Kritsada Sukkaphat มูลนิธิสงเคราะห์เด็ก พัทยา


Poverty, COVID-19, International Organization, Poverty Elimination, Thailand


Poverty is a fundamental issue of all nations. It has been occurring in our world for a long time. Poverty is caused by several complex elements. Even though there has been a tendency in the overall situation of poverty in the world to get the problem solved, the current COVID-19 pandemic is making Thailand and global poverty worse. The number of poor people in developing countries is declining due to changing situations, such as various epidemics, conflicts, and climate change. However, there are still many more severely poor people in distress in these countries.  The said situation of change in the world remains a challenge and will increase poverty.  The current COVID-19 outbreak has created wounds and impacts on people, especially in the economic downturn.  On the social dimension, the increasing social inequalities are causing poor households and vulnerable people to face more difficulties in their lives. Therefore, it is imperative that each country urgently develops dimensions to mitigate the problems of poverty.  Governments cooperate with international organizations, and all sectors to end poverty in pursuit of the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and uphold fundamental rights and living quality that is truly compatible with human dignity.


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How to Cite

Sukkaphat, K. (2021). Poverty, COVID-19, Role of International Organizations, and Suggestion of Poverty Elimination in Thailand . Journal of Social Synergy, 12(1), 68–89. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/thaijss/article/view/252083



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