The Little Prince with the moral development of students in Faculty of Social Work and Social Welfare, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University


  • Kittawan Sarai -


The literature little prince, moral development


This study aims to investigate the use of literature, The Little Prince, and the development of teaching students and encourage students to use morality in their lives. I taught the course SW 3143: Social Work Techniques for Children and Youth for one semester (four months) to collect data from 49 students. Seven were males and 42 were females, aged between 20 and 23 years. The tools used in the development of ethics by the Little Prince in teaching, together with various activities, include the following activities: 1) the imagination, 2) the box, 3) the merit notebook 4) Recognising feelings, 5) Tree storytelling 6) Satir Model iceberg, 7) cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), 8) palliative care, 9) play therapy, and 10) music therapy

The study found that the average satisfaction of students to the literature little prince in teaching at the highest level is 4.61. The moral arguments or ideas to bring to life at the highest level is 4.59. The mean level of 3.70 at the high level of ethics. Results of the study (A = 14.28%, B += 22.45%, B = 34.70%, C+ = 22.45% and C =6.12%), Most of the students attend classes regularly at the average 90%.

Based on the findings, the researcher has a suggestion for teaching in the 21st century: teachers should have a variety of teaching activities and new innovations in education to facilitate students' self-development and be able to draw out their own potential by focusing on students to create a process of thinking, analyzing, and solving problems by themselves, as well as instil morals and ethics for further self-development.


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How to Cite

Sarai, K. (2022). The Little Prince with the moral development of students in Faculty of Social Work and Social Welfare, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University. Journal of Social Synergy, 13(1). Retrieved from



Research Report