Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Communication Element of MICE Industry in Thailand

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Pornchanok Pongtongmuang
Sasiwimon Sukbut
et al.


          CSR communication of Thailand's MICE businesses can be sustainably and successfully marketed when certain information related to CSR is provided to their target clients. This research aims to determine the CSR communication components of Thailand's MICE industry. The study employed a qualitative research discipline using a purposive sampling method to include a target group of 11 scholars in marketing and marketing communications, executives of organizations related to MICE, and operators involved in the MICE industry. An in-person, in-depth interview was used in data collection.  Three major CSR communication components and nine sub-elements emerged from the analysis of qualitative data.  The first major element is environmental impacts, which includes the three sub-elements of 1) impacts from the use of resources 2) food & beverage and 3) waste management. The second key component is society and economy, which includes: 1) compliance to the law, 2) retention of ways of life and cultures, and 3) enhancement of social and economic growth. And the third key component includes the people related to the MICE industry, which are 1) the local community, 2) the staff, and 3) the manufacturers.  To uphold the sustainability of MICE industry in Thailand all the stakeholders including Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau, exhibition centers, hotels, tour companies and meeting and conference organizers should put forward these CSR communication components and nine sub-elements  components to attract their target customers.

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How to Cite
Pongtongmuang, P., Sukbut, S., & al., et. (2018). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Communication Element of MICE Industry in Thailand. Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism, 13(1), 50–63. Retrieved from
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