Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism

          According to the journal quality assessment results announcement, the Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism is indexed in the journal databases of the ASEAN Citation Index (ACI) and the Thai Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI), which is now officially indexed in TIER 1, effective from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2029. In this regard, our journal will continue to develop the work to higher standards.

Aims and Scopes

The submitted papers can be research articles, reviews, academic papers, or book reviews in both Thai and English related to humanities and social sciences in the field of tourism and hospitality industries.

Publication Frequency: bi–annually (2 issues per year)

          Issue 1: January – June

          Issue 2: July – December

ISSN 1905-6303 (Print)

ISSN 2985-184X (Online) 


1. To be a center for exchanging knowledge on tourism and related disciplines

2. To promote and support researchers or interested people in producing academic or research articles

3. To publish academic knowledge in tourism to relevant organizations

4. To collect and publish academic works in tourism and related fields.

  Evaluated by: 3 Experts (Double-blind Review)

  Article Publication Charges: 3,000 baht per article. Payment is made when the article passes the initial review from editor team.

Announcement | Referencing Using APA 7th


The Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism would like to announce the change in citation format from APA 6th
to APA 7th
, which will be applied in the published journals from Year 18, Issue 1 (January – June 2023)
onwards until a new reference list from the American Psychological Association (APA) is published.


Announcement | Article Submissions



The submitted papers can be research articles, reviews, academic papers, or book reviews in both Thai and English.

1148820241.gif The terms and conditions for submitting articles 1138515785.gif SUBMISSIONS 1138515921.gif

1148820241.gif The suggestions for new authors 1138515785.gifAUTHOR GUIDELINES 1138515921.gif  (update referencing using APA7th 04.10.22)

1148820241.gif  Journal Purchase Order (Thai Form) 1138515785.gif REGISTER HERE 1138515921.gif  



According to the article > SUBMISSION < conditions in no. 3 and no. 8, which state that the authors must submit the article with another two forms as follows:

1. The plagiarism checking by Akarawisut Program (

2. The acceptance form*: The English article must be checked for the accuracy of grammar by native speakers or experts.



Vol. 20 No. 1 (2025): Journal of Thai Hospitality & Tourism (January - June 2025)

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