Legal Measure for Safety in Service Businesses Providing Adventure Activity

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Bongkoch Sungkalird


Adventure activities – the activity that are inherently risky and dangerous to the lives, bodies, and health of the participants. The results of such activities cannot be anticipated, but these characteristics can create excitement, challenge, and adventure for the participants. As a result, they became popular and are often used in a tourism dimension as a business that offers adventurous activities in conjunction with nature to attract tourists. These activities include rock climbing, rafting, and diving. These dangerous activities require equipment and leaders who are directly involved in the safety and protection of the participants and must be properly qualified to supervise them. However, at present, in Thailand, there are no specific laws regarding adventure activities and no legal measures to adequately control the safety of the service businesses that conduct them. For this reason, there is some news about the accidents resulting from these activities, caused by non-standard equipment or non-expert leaders. Arranging the standards of safety controls, for example, the standard of equipment, qualifications of leaders, or safety controls of entrepreneurs, would help reduce the risk of danger. This article aims to study the proper measures of safety controls in Thailand and specific foreign legal measures from New Zealand and Switzerland, to be the guidelines for further development of legal measures for the safety of adventure activities in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Sungkalird, B. (2022). Legal Measure for Safety in Service Businesses Providing Adventure Activity. Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism, 17(2), 101–114. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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