Tourism : Dawei Tanintharyi Territory of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

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Danupon Sangnak


          This is a study of Dawei's potential as a new tourist destination in Myanmar. The study was conducted using qualitative data obtained through structured interviews and its accuracy was verified using Tri-angular checking. Five cultural sections were included in the study: (1) Nine significant temples, (2) Seaside Fish Markets and Villages, (3) Dawei's Museum (which was opened purpose by for tourism), (4) Three different one hundred year old markets, and (5) Special events such as the 28 Pagoda festival (an event which occurs during the full moon after the end of the rainy season) and the Dawei water dance for example.

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How to Cite
Sangnak, D. (2015). Tourism : Dawei Tanintharyi Territory of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism, 10(1), 3–14. Retrieved from
Research Article


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