Guildlines for Developing Tourism Activities and Destination for Sustainable Tourism of Amphawa Floating Market, Samut Songkram Province

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Tanatcha Ritdej


          The research on “ Guidelines for Developing Tourism activities and Destination for Sustainable Tourism of Amphawa Floating Market, Samut Songkram Province”, purpose of this research were to (1) study the Thai tourists’ demographies have an effect on satisfaction to Amphawa floating market tourism of Thai tourists (2) study the physical environment, the tourist attractions and sustainable tourism activities have an effect on satisfaction to Amphawa floating market tourism of Thai tourists (3) study relationship between satisfaction to tourism and tourism behavior in Amphawa floating market of Thai tourists (4) study tourism behavior and sustainable tourism principle have an effect on repeated tourism tendency in Amphawa floating market of Thai tourists (5) study the guidelines for developing tourism activities and destination for sustainable tourism of Amphawa floating market, Samut Songkram province. The research used qualitative research and quantitative research methodology. The sampling groups were government officers in Amphawa district, traders in Amphawa district, community representatives and Thai tourists.
          The quantitative research result found that most of tourists were single female aged 26-35 years old. Their educational level was bachelor degree. Their income was 10,001-20,000Baht and their home-town was in Bangkok. The opinion to physical environment of Amphawa floating market in overall was in good level. The opinion to tourist attractions in overall and in each aspect including restaurants nearby canal, souvenir shops and temple, church, ancient remains were in good level. Requirement in sustainable tourism activities in overall was in demand level. The satisfaction to Amphawa floating market tourism in overall was satisfy level. Most of Tourists behavior travelled with family, private vehicles was used. The average number of purchase in travelling was less than 2,000 baht per time, average time to travelling was minimum 1hour and maximum 10hours. per time, average of expense was minimum 100 Baht and maximum 4,500 Baht per time, number to travelling within 1 year was minimum 1 time and maximum 13 times per year. Repeated tourism tendency in overall was in excellent level and opportunity to come back to travelling within 1 year was maximum 15 times the opinion to sustainable tourism principle Amphawa floating market was in good level.
          As for the qualitative research result found that the municipal Amphawadistric was determined the policy for developing and unhurriedly achieve, step by step and continuity activities for simple to direct management and able to control. Because of the Amphawa floating market was suddenly growth rapidly without direction and there was no the measure to efficiently control. For the suggestion, since the municipal Amphawadistric is a small-sized municipality therefore, they obtained the limited budget and mostly income originates from the tourists. As for the Amphawa floating community, there will be the policy to participate with vendor association, community leader and the Amphawa lover’s community listen to the trouble by each other side for solve the problem and sustainable floating market development. For the planning of floating market in the future, there are more plans: to expand footpath and will plan to open daily, not only on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. By the way,system should develop. Cost and product quality must control for the better way and sustainable tourism development at Amphawa floating market.

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How to Cite
Ritdej, T. (2016). Guildlines for Developing Tourism Activities and Destination for Sustainable Tourism of Amphawa Floating Market, Samut Songkram Province. Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism, 10(2), 18–33. Retrieved from
Research Article


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