The Strategies of Releasing Tourism Public Relation Message on Valentine's Day Love Festival of Tourism Authority of Thailand

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Orawee Bunnag


          This article aims to analyze the strategies of releasing tourism public relation messages on Valentine’s Day Love Festival of Tourism Authority of Thailand. The data were collected from Valentine’s Day Love Festival 2014-2015 press release of Tourism Authority of Thailand published on its website. The research findings revealed that the strategies of releasing tourism public relation messages on Valentine’s Day Love Festival of Tourism Authority of Thailand were (1) the strategy of creating message for target groups (2) the strategy of releasing the fact in connection between theme of event and tourist attraction (3) the strategy of celebrity marketing (4) the strategy of persuasion (5) the strategy of releasing message by means of creative use of languages, and(6) strategy of creating image.

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How to Cite
Bunnag, O. (2016). The Strategies of Releasing Tourism Public Relation Message on Valentine’s Day Love Festival of Tourism Authority of Thailand. Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism, 10(2), 34–46. Retrieved from
Research Article


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