A Study of Historic Waterfront Revitalization: from Clarke Quay-Boat Quay, Singapore to Puerto Madero, Argentina


  • Ari Widyati Purwantiasning Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Saeful Bahri Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Lutfi Prayogi Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Dedi Hantono Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Sari Yeptadian Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Valeria Schneider Universidad Nacionale Del Nordeste, Argentina




Historic Waterfront; Revitalization; Clarke Quay; Boat Quay; Puerto Madero;Adaptive Reuse; Singapore; Argentina


Many researchers have examined and discussed the study of revitalization, but a fewer still have discussed revitalization along riverbanks. This research aims to explore the revitalization of riverbank areas by focusing on and comparing two East and West locations. The Clarke Quay-Boat Quay area in Singapore – East and Puerto Madero, Argentina the West precedent. The research’s method was qualitative by comparing two precedent studies to seek the typology of the revitalization concept. This paper obtains results using a descriptive narrative approach to describe the analysis of both precedent studies. In conclusion, it was found that both precedent studies have the same concept of revitalization. Both precedents use adaptive reuse as a concept to have a new function of both areas from warehouse and port areas to be commercial areas for tourists such as restaurants, cafes, bars, shops etc. It was concluded as well that both precedent studies with different social-culture conditions have adopted the concept of converting historic buildings (repurposing) to new host new functionality resulting in more commercial value.




How to Cite

Purwantiasning, Ari Widyati, Saeful Bahri, Lutfi Prayogi, Dedi Hantono, Sari Yeptadian, and Valeria Schneider. 2023. “A Study of Historic Waterfront Revitalization: from Clarke Quay-Boat Quay, Singapore to Puerto Madero, Argentina”. Journal of Urban Culture Research 26 (June):156-74. https://doi.org/10.14456/jucr.2023.9.