Collective Memory, Urban Regeneration and Conservation of Historical Sites – ChaharBagh Street, Isfahan City, Iran


  • Mehdi HaghighatBin Asst. Prof. Art & Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
  • Sara Saghafi Moghaddam PhD Student, Architecture, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
  • Steffen Nijhuis Professor of Landscape-based Urbanism & Head of the Section Landscape Architecture, Urbanism, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands



Collective Memory; ChaharBagh Boulevard; Urban Open Space; Isfahan; Urban Regeneration; Iran


This study aims to present a regeneration process for historical spaces based on the notion of collective memory. We argue for the necessity of simultaneously studying conservation and rehabilitation policies for restoring and continuing the collective memory of historical spaces. This approach can effectively preserve and shape the collective memory of historical spaces by focusing on preservation and valuing the landscape as a major key between place and humans. The historical ChaharBagh Avenue from the Safavid era in Isfahan serves as a case study. Over time, the social and cultural significance and value of ChaharBagh Avenue as a historical public space and collective memory is diminishing due to inconsistent renewal policies. The study employs a qualitative approach, including field studies and interviews with 32 citizens of Isfahan, to suggest a model for sustainable regeneration and conservation of historical urban sites based on collective memory.




How to Cite

HaghighatBin, Mehdi, Sara Saghafi Moghaddam, and Steffen Nijhuis. 2024. “Collective Memory, Urban Regeneration and Conservation of Historical Sites – ChaharBagh Street, Isfahan City, Iran”. Journal of Urban Culture Research 28 (June).