Submit Here 2023
Dear Authors,
We have modified our article submission process.
Please prepare your article by using the JUCR Template and completing our Manuscript Submission form before sending both via email as attachments to us at
Most authors' make errors in their reference list formating. See the end of our template file for a color-coded guide followed by detailed examples (date location & format, title case is used for titles, (access dates for URLs), and while first author is listed lastname, firstname, additional authors are listed firstname lastname. Some titles are italized and others are in quotations. Tables are listed as figures and need a caption placed below them.
Authors are also encouraged to review our prior volumes for similar articles to include appropriate supportive references. This will assist in building JUCR's citation presence in the growing field of urban culture research.
Thank you for your interest in JUCR and we look forward to your submission.
JUCR Editorial Staff