Development of the Subjective Test of The Royal Thai Armed Forces

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อนุรักษ์ โชติดิลก
เทวา กาญจนชม
พงค์เทพ จันทน์เสนะ


The development of subjective examinations to guide the educational personnel of the Royal Thai Armed Forces  has developed the test of the full process. The objective is to create a process for the development  the subject test of the Royal Thai Armed Forces. There are important issues                       (1)  Determining the purpose of measurement (2) Creating and Developing Tools / Criteria (3)  Measure  (4) Analysis and evaluation. Analyze the items in the overview and analyze each item for evaluating the quality of the subjective test and (5) Recording. The process of developing the subjective test will enable the educational personnel of the to analyze and evaluate the quality of the subjective test. This is a tool used to measure student achievement. They can be used as a guideline to develop problems in the next test for a better quality.

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How to Cite
โชติดิลก อ., กาญจนชม เ., & จันทน์เสนะ พ. (2019). Development of the Subjective Test of The Royal Thai Armed Forces. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6, 29–42. Retrieved from
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