The Study of Structural Relationships between Thai Authentic Leadership, Follower’s Wellbeing and Innovative Work Behaviour in Thai Military Context

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Iratrachar Amornpipat
Bung-on Sorod


This study aims to examine structural relationships between Thai authentic leadership, follower wellbeing, and follower innovative work behaviour. It was conducted with 644 Royal Thai Navy Officers. SEM and bootstrapping used to determine influential relationships and a mediation effect. Results from SEM reveal that Thai authentic leadership has a positive influential relationship with both follower wellbeing and follower innovative work behaviour. In addition, the result from bootstrapping supports that wellbeing is a full mediator of the relationship between authentic leadership and innovative work behaviour. The findings of the structural relationship, limitations of the study, and recommendations for practice and future research are discussed.

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How to Cite
Amornpipat, I., & Sorod, B.- on. (2016). The Study of Structural Relationships between Thai Authentic Leadership, Follower’s Wellbeing and Innovative Work Behaviour in Thai Military Context. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4, 5–28. Retrieved from
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