Administrative guidelines of NKRAFA to excellence

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กิตติ ศรีนุชศาสตร์


The study on the readiness of Navaminda Kasatriyadhiraj Royal Air Force Academy (NKRAFA) in quality evaluation criteria of public sector management by using the query tool, and interviewing executives at all levels of the school found that the readiness to carry on all categories, corporate strategic planning, focusing on learners, stakeholders, analysis and knowledge management, focus faculty & staff and process management execution results are assessed in the same direction in all categories is in moderate to low. Research shows that the administrative in the current condition can't make NKRAFA to excellence. Therefore, it is necessary to find the forms and guidelines on the most appropriate management for the administration NKRAFA to excellence. This research objective is to find ways of administering the NKRAFA to excellence. The results of the data collection and analysis of relevant documents, found that the main elements of the administrative guidelines of NKRAFA to excellence consists of 8 main elements, namely 1.leading organization 2.strategic planning 3.people and stakeholders 4.measurement analysis and knowledge management 5.focusing on the human resources process7.operations results and 8.Information Summary of the research, administrative guidelines of NKRAFA to excellence with policy management should be improved so as to meet international guidelines, which the study management education institution to excellence must be the 8 main elements, as above. Practical suggestions, the relevant units must give priority to the following report to analyze the structure of NKRAFA units that are appropriate and consistent job functions and requirements for each element of the management, If not, should the reorganization, appropriate support unit to develop a tighter weave/allocate, governance unit, quality assurance standards, and the need to adjust inositol. indicators, quality assurance, internal studies, work of Ptolemy, in accordance with the composition of the administrative guidelines.

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How to Cite
ศรีนุชศาสตร์ ก. (2018). Administrative guidelines of NKRAFA to excellence. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5, 74–86. Retrieved from
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