The Appropriate Characteristic of The Royal Thai Navy Surface Ship for Constabulary Role

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พงศ์สิริ ไพพรรณศิริ
เผดิมศักดิ์ จารยะพันธุ์
วชิรพร วงศ์นครสว่าง


Nation’s maritime benefit protection by national law enforcement and supporting sea inhabitants is one of Navy’s missions. Since the current situation in Thailand faces new attacking challenges, Royal Navy has, therefore, to modi-fy its act on complying with the law and be proactive on supporting those people as leading role. However official surface ships provided by Navy were made according to the strategic change to armed forces. Those ships are virtual-ly battle ships, which are designed for naval operation, costly and are not suited for the mentioned purposes. In this re-search work, a model Logic of Force Planning, which is a part of the Fundamentals of Force Planning, is applied to define characteristics of surface ships for use in conforming to the law and supporting people according to role and mission of the Royal Navy.

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ไพพรรณศิริ พ., จารยะพันธุ์ เ., & วงศ์นครสว่าง ว. (2019). The Appropriate Characteristic of The Royal Thai Navy Surface Ship for Constabulary Role. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4, 53–62. Retrieved from
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