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ยุพาพร ปุยภิรมย์


The study entitled “Factors Affecting Health Information Searches”. The sample size of the study was composed of 400 consumers and staff at Thammasat University Hospital. A survey instrument was em-ployed in the study. Qualitative data were collected and statistically analyzed using Independent, T-test, One way, and ANOVA. If a difference was found, that difference was tested in pairs using Least Signifi-cant Difference (LSD). Most of the sample was comprised of working females aged 26 to 35. The results regarding Internet usage behavior revealed that different factors in the aspects of Internet usage behavior, frequency of accessing the websites, places in accessing the websites, and their interested health topics had different impacts on health purposes, which was significantly different at the 0.05 level. In accordance with analyzing the reasons for choosing the Internet for healthcare, it was found that the reasons for In-ternet searches in the aspects of perceiving benefits, ease of accessibility, social influence, and conven-ience were different. Those differences had impacts on health purposes, which was significantly different at the 0.05 level. Also, regarding the samples’ Internet searches for health purposes, it was found that most of respondents required health promotion guidance to regularly strengthen their body, like choosing health food. In addition, through Internet searches they were able to update new information, such as in-formation about epidemic prevention. More generally, most of them believed that information searches for physical and mental treatment were accurate and reliable.

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How to Cite
ปุยภิรมย์ ย. (2019). FACTORS AFFECTING HEALTH INFORMATION SEARCHES. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4, 63–72. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/KANNICHA/article/view/201822
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