Royal Thai Air Force Telecommunication System

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ณัฏฐ์ บุพพัณหสมัย
สุรีรัตน์ อินทร์หม้อ


This research aimed to study state and problem of Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) telecommunication con-nection at present day for improve this system by support ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) standard. The participants were 239 RTAF officers which 19 officers response in Royal Thai Air Defense system ,19 officers response in Video Teleconference System ,44 officers response in Telephone System ,44 officers response in Operation System ,113 officers response in Administration System. The tool used in the study was Questionnaire for gathered demography and satisfaction level of RTAF tele-communication connection service follow by ITIL standard data. The statistics used for data analysis was descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (Independent t-test, One-way ANOVA).The result from re-search showed that Gender, Age, Rank, Response Duty and Experience of officer that answered the ques-tionnaire had effected to satisfaction level of RTAF telecommunication connection service and agreeable with the different of demographic characteristic effect to satisfaction of RTAF telecommunication con-nection service hypothesis. The operation design had maximum satisfaction level. The operation service had minimum satisfaction level then the RTAF Telecommunication division has to improve operation service for the future.

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How to Cite
บุพพัณหสมัย ณ., & อินทร์หม้อ ส. (2018). Royal Thai Air Force Telecommunication System. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4, 165–177. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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