The Model of Moral Development According to The Philosophy of The Sufficiency Economy of Roi Kaen Sarasin Provincial Cluster’s Municipal Students

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Teerapol Yuntabut
Chumnian Pollaharn
U-rasa Promtha


The purpose of this research was to (1) study the indicators of consideration issues And guidelines for moral development in accordance with the philosophy of the sufficiency economy of the municipality students. (2) Create a model for moral development based on the philosophy of the sufficiency economy of the municipality students. Roi Sin Subin Province Group. The researcher conducted the research in accordance with the research and development process (Research and Development). The research instruments consisted of a questionnaire with a 5-point rating scale, an evaluation scale with 5-level estimation scale, and a rubric model. Scoreboard Conduct quantitative and qualitative data analysis The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

             The result of the study were as follow (1) Moral according to the philosophy of the sufficiency economy of students There are 5 indicators in the Roi Sin Sub-district, 19 indicators, as follows: indicator 1, honesty, there are 4 points, consider indicator 2, generosity, share, there are 4 points, consider indicator 3, consciousness There are 4 issues. Consider the 4 indicators. Endurance. There are 3 issues. Consider the 5 indicators. There are 4 sufficiency. (2) The model of moral development according to the philosophy of the sufficiency economy of students in the municipality of Roi Kaen Sub-district There is a structure chart that is related in 6 components which are 1) the principle and reason. 2) Objectives 3) Morality in accordance with the philosophy of the sufficiency economy of the students 4) The guidelines for the moral development according to the philosophy of the sufficiency economy of the students are 7 driven activities and 1 supporting activities 5) Learning media and 6) Measurement and Evaluation And the model evaluation results found that the model of moral development according to the philosophy of the sufficiency economy of students in the municipality of Roi Kaen Subdistrict Province Is appropriate as a whole at a high level And have overall possibilities At a high level.

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How to Cite
Yuntabut, T., Pollaharn, C., & Promtha, U.- rasa. (2020). The Model of Moral Development According to The Philosophy of The Sufficiency Economy of Roi Kaen Sarasin Provincial Cluster’s Municipal Students. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8, 76–89. Retrieved from
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