Performance Efficiency Development of Traffic Police Officers, Chonburi Provincial Police

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เกรียงไกร เพิ่มพูลทรัพย์
Chaiya Yimwilai


Chonburi traffic problem was founded on the growth of economic, industry and tourist attraction. The traffic problem leads to huge accidents, deaths and injuries from road users causing more problems and workload of the traffic police officers resulting in not being able to widely support citizens in responsible areas. The objectives of this research are to study the performance efficiency and the effective performance factors of traffic police officers by using mixed methods, 211 questionnaires from traffic police officers. Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis were used for descriptive statistics. In-depth interview of 21 persons from management policy maker, management operation control officers, operating officers and service citizens were used for qualitative research. The result of performance efficiency level of traffic police officers found that time of development new method for improvement was highest efficiency. The factors that affect the performance efficiency consists of 7 variables which are the human relations at work, organizational culture, internal environment, personal development, job satisfaction, corporate justice and leadership. The human relation at work had the highest opinions because the police work was categorized into teamwork, relationship, seniority and respect. Therefore they help each other. In contrast, leadership had the lowest opinions because the police officers worked under command, supervision and decision making by a commander. Therefore the commander must have knowledge, well competency in traffic management and get opinion feedback from workers for real problems in order to correct and improve and comply with effective environment and situations.

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เพิ่มพูลทรัพย์ เ., & Yimwilai, C. (2020). Performance Efficiency Development of Traffic Police Officers, Chonburi Provincial Police. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8, 19–30. Retrieved from
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