Development Guidelines for the Using of the Information Technology in the Learning Management of Teachers at the Air Technical Training School
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The objective of the study is to find guidelines to develop the use of information technology in learning management of the Air Sergeant School in the 3 aspects: learning activities arrangement, use of media and equipment, and the measurement and evaluation. The result of the research entitled “Development Guidelines for the Using of the Information Technology in the Learning Management of Teachers at the Air Sergeant School [1] was the problem about the media and computer’s equipment. This is because of the information technology system and old equipment as well as the lack of the equipment resulting in limitation during the process of activities. The limitation of using Information Technology in school is another problem due to the government policy concerning confidential information, especially for using a smartphone. It therefore restricts the using of information technology in the learning management of teachers at the Air Sergeant School. Therefore, to enable the arrangement of the learning management of teachers of the Air Sergeant School adhering to learning management in the 21st century, there must be a way to develop, promote and support the use of information technology in learning management of teachers at the Air Sergeant School in order to improve the use of information technology in learning management arrangement as well as correspond with the policy of the Air Sergeant School in terms of supporting and promoting the use of modern technology in learning management arrangement. Therefore, the Air Sergeant School should have guidelines for the development of information technology in teacher learning management of the Air Sergeant Schools in 3 aspects, including (1) learning management arrangement: to support staff in inspecting and supervising the classroom environment to be ready for learning activities arrangement, to promote the use of modern information technology in organizing learning activities, and to allow Air Sergeant students to use modern technology in organizing learning activities and support the internet system to have stability and speed suitable for use in carrying out learning activities (2) Use of media and equipment: The Air Sergeant School should support and encourage personnel to develop their knowledge both in the media production and the use of modern technology equipment as well as support staff to maintenance of media and equipment to be able to use at all times. In terms of media and equipment, budget should be provided to procure modern technology of media and equipment as well as to support the development of the internet network for speed and stability in use, especially for online learning management in the event of abnormal current conditions (COVID-19); and (3) the Measurement and Evaluation: it should promote the teacher of the Air Sergeant School to use information technology for measure and evaluation as well as supporting the dissemination of assessment results through information technology systems. For air sergeants’ students, they should be encouraged to develop themselves for the use of information technology in measurement and evaluation. In addition, teachers and students should be encouraged to follow up on learning via social networks as well.
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