Relationship Between Perceived Service Quality, Service Marketing Mix and Behavior Intention of Thai Customer Towards Premium Coffee Brands Purchasing in Bangkok Metropolitan Area
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This study aims to study the degree of perceived service quality, service marketing mix and behavior intention. In addition, this study also finds out the relationship between perceiving in a service quality, service marketing mix and behavior intention of the Thai customer towards premium coffee brands purchased in Bangkok Metropolitan area. Research tool used in this study is the questionnaire, with 5level rating scales that are arranged in ascending order. Reliability of the questionnaire is equal to .94. Target sampling of this study are the Thai customer towards premium coffee brands purchased in the Bangkok Metropolitan area for 385 samples. The number of questionnaires that have been returned in this study is 315 samples, which can be counted as 85 in percentage. Data collected was analyzed by descriptive statistics, including means and standard deviation, in order to determine the level of variables and also inferential statistics which includes the Pearson correlation analysis methods to examine the relationship of all the variables.
The study found that in an overview, the average score of perceived service quality and service marketing mix are both in very-high level. The behavioral intentions of Thai customer towards premium coffee brands purchased in the Bangkok Metropolitan area are in the positive direction. Furthermore, Perceived service quality and service marketing mix are in the high level of positive relationship with the behavioral intentions of Thai customer towards premium coffee brands purchased in the Bangkok Metropolitan area. All the variables have its statistical significance level of .05.
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