digital tv, media-use behavior of people, audiovisual mediaAbstract
The article “Challenges of Thai Digital TV in the Era of Changing in People’s Behavior on Audiovisual Media Use” aimed to collect data about the change of television broadcasting in order to analyze challenges faced by digital television broadcasters and to develop concepts and views on adapting themselves in the changing situation. This article, therefore, demonstrated the challenges of early-stage television until the digital TV era. Challenges were explored in various areas, starting with 1) challenge the public to see the importance and change to receive the digital TV 2) challenge in persuading public of converting digital TV via terrestrial mean 3) challenge in competition with the large number of services, businesses and information such as satellite channels, cable televisions and audiovisual media via the Internet 4) challenge caused by media behavior of people with the fact that "Television does not attract all of us anymore" because they used other communication tools at the same time also known as a Multi-screen Lifestyle. So, the digital television was filled with opportunities, challenges that not only depended on the behavior of people but also on other factors, such as the management of their own channels and state policies were equally important.
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