Researching and analysis study concerns impacted from change system of television signal from analog to digital.


  • ผศ. ดร.ปิ่นปินัทธ์ จ่าดา Sripatum University Chonburi Campus


Impact, Analog TV, Digital TV


Researching and analysis study concerns impacted from change system of television signal from analog to digital. The purposes of this study were 1) to do the researching study concerns impacted from change system of television signal from analog to digital in years 2013-2017. and 2) to do the analysis study concerns impacted from change system of television signal from analog to digital. The selection of the study in years 2013 - 2017 in total of 4 cases study that can summarize the results from discussion concerns the study as concerns. 2 main impacted groups due to system will change from analog TV to digital TV are. Group 1: Positive impact: better spectrum efficiency (better quality of vision) and free competition of television stations. Group 2 Negative impact: people (receiver) must have costs and also investors need to invest more. In term of satisfaction from receiver, High satisfaction: Free of charge for device, good quality of video and audio. Medium satisfaction: Device installation, channel adjustable. Low satisfaction: Service area, for example when receiver get the problem and need support. It is look like not enough as of now. Recommendations for further study should include research in all areas of Thailand. People should focus and up to date if they get a problem or do not understand well about it. The NBTC should have a public relations material and should be a public assistance center to be help receiver covering all areas.


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How to Cite

จ่าดา ผ. ด. (2017). Researching and analysis study concerns impacted from change system of television signal from analog to digital. Journal of Digital Communications, 1(1), 158–173. Retrieved from



Research article