Direction and Policy of Broadcasting Regulation in the Media Convergence era : a Comparative Studies of FCC and OFCOM Strategy

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นางจิตสุภา ฤทธิผลิน


The objective of this paper is to present a review of the Broadcasting Direction and Policy of two countries namely, the United States of America (Federal Communications Commission (FCC)) and the United Kingdom (Office of Communications (Ofcom)), in the Convergence era. Throughout the article is the comparative study between FCC Strategic plan 2015-2018 and Ofcom annual plan 2017/18. This comparative study found that FCC and Ofcom have the same direction and policy in six issues. First, managing spectrum efficiency for upcoming technology and future requirements. Second, improving and developing infrastructure and broadband network in order to promoting the innovation and economic growth. Third, reviewing and revising the regulation to enhancing the flexibility according to the changing of media landscape for promoting competition. Fourth, assessing communication markets effectively, before intervening to improve consumer’ benefits.  Fifth, promoting the consumer’s protection in terms of responsiveness and problem solving.  Six, promoting the Broadband Universal Service Obligation (USO) by improving the coverage of broadband network in rural and remote areas. Although these two organizations have the same directions and policies, they have significantly difference goals, objectives and details of processes, which are related to their economic, social, cultural and industries environments. The suggestion for Thailand policy analysis is consideration in four issues, included that researching incentive auction for the spectrum management, reviewing and revising the regulation to enhancing the flexibility according to the changing of media landscape for promoting competition, assessing communication markets effectively, and protecting a child and audiences from harmful content.


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How to Cite
ฤทธิผลิน น. (2018). Direction and Policy of Broadcasting Regulation in the Media Convergence era : a Comparative Studies of FCC and OFCOM Strategy. NBTC Journal, 1(1), 242–267. Retrieved from
Research article


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