Access to Telecommunications Services and Online Communication Usage among Thai Elderly


  • นายฐิตินันทน์ ผิวนิล Ramkhamhaeng Institute of Languages


accessibility, telecommunications services, online communication, Thai elderly


Thailand is now entering an aging society and moving forward in telecommunication technologies. These two important phenomena bring gaps, limitations, and barrier to adaptation between “the elderly” and “new technology”. Thai government has been trying to solve this problem by increasing accessibility of the telecommunication technologies for citizens of all ages in line with Thailand 4.0 for sustainable development. This article analyzes and presents the overview of situation in Thailand and the visible behavioral patterns of the Thai elderly during 2011-2014 using data from the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission’s Survey of Thailand Telecommunications Usage projects. The findings show the accessibility of Thai elderly to telecommunication technologies continuously increases, particularly in mobile, Smartphone, and the Internet usage. The use of fixed telephone line and public telephone continue to decline. From the data it was found that the elderly’s communication behaviors have changed. They adapt to new technologies more especially to online communication. They use search engine, download music and video, use social media and chat program. Though the increasing of telecommunications technologies usage is evident, the study found that the usage of new online communication of the Thai elderly in general is relatively low. This is very obvious in rural area where there are gaps in telecommunications technology accessibility. It is recommended that in order to develop the communication strategic plan and policies, policy makers should emphasis more on the elderly who reside in the countryside so as to increase accessibility in general.


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How to Cite

ผิวนิล น. (2016). Access to Telecommunications Services and Online Communication Usage among Thai Elderly. Journal of Digital Communications, 1(1), 408–441. Retrieved from



Research article