The Development of Digital Television in the Transition Period
The development, The transition period, Digital televisionAbstract
Currently, Thailand is in the process of transition from analog to digital television in which the digital signal is expected to cover most parts of the country soon. And later on, the traditional broadcasting technology will be switched off, so called “Analog Switch-Off (ASO)”. Taking a communication perspective, the television can be considered as having a great influence on audience’s attitude, belief, behavior as well as lifestyle, because it can reach mass audience at the same time. Therefore, it is such a great challenge to migrate to the digital television broadcasting. On the other hand, considering in terms of technology management, the new broadcasting technology could bring higher quality of picture, variety of contents, as well as various presenting methods. Moreover, it will create competition in terms of creating program productions and attractive contents which will bring benefits to the audience, improving quality of life, as well as giving positive impact toward the society as a whole.
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