The Transparency of Personnel's Performances from the Office of the NBTC


  • Pitchanan Phulsawad Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission
  • Chandranuj Mahakanjana Graduate School of Public Administration, National Institute of Development Administration


Organizational culture, Good Governance, Transparency and accountability, Office of the NBTC, New public management, Organization’s core value


This research is to study transparency of personnel’s performances from the Office of the NBTC. The objectives aim to study organization‘s core value that use for the Office of the NBTC’s personnel performances, and to study the factors that cause Office of the NBTC personnel’s transparency performances. This research uses qualitative method (interview) individual interview from executive director, division directors, and operational officials who work in the Office of the NBTC headquarter. The researcher uses the information from interviews and documents to analyze information and concept theory of organizational culture to find the fact and the suggestion from this research. The research found that the characteristic of organization’s culture of Office of the NBTC has the ranking which are depend on the environment and organization’s context. The organization has the way to build the core value through the policies and the executive’s behavior. Nowadays, the organization uses the good governance on the transparency for doing works and from the technological change that effect the organization which needs to change itself to proceed the highest efficiency and executives use government concepts and policies on the New Public Management to adapt in the process to set up the policies which use for the guidelines of personnel’s performances which need to be in the same direction to achieve the goal which to become the organization of good governance.


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How to Cite

Phulsawad, P., & Mahakanjana, C. (2019). The Transparency of Personnel’s Performances from the Office of the NBTC. Journal of Digital Communications, 3(3), 148–169. retrieved from



Research article