
  • Rachaneewan Chouna Satellite and Orbit Management Bureau, Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications
  • Rattaphong Sonsuphap College of Social Innovation Rangsit University


Over the Top (OTT), Internet, Convergence, Digital Services Taxes


This study was done by collecting secondary data from researches, articles and documents distributed through the internet and in-depth interviews with 12 samples from relevant sectors at the executive level, operating officers, specialists, operators and business owners who are in the Digital Economy value chain to share opinions and recommendations for regulatory guidelines on over the top TV (OTT TV) services in Thailand. The objective of this study is to collect information and to observe the occurrence and the synthesis of phenomena by using relevant theories to analyze policy recommendations in order to regulate the new media in the contexts changing of economics and socials without boundaries in the provision of public services. While the tax regulation has been adopted by many countries, it still has obstacles in terms of the complexity of the technology, the service and technology convergence, and the bargaining power of various countries. The tax agreements vary in each country. Therefore, it is necessary to further study, observe and seek alliances from other countries to create the bargaining power with the technology superpowers countries.


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How to Cite

Rachaneewan Chouna, & Rattaphong Sonsuphap. (2020). OVER THE TOP TV (OTT TV) REGULATION IN THAILAND. Journal of Digital Communications, 4(4), 288–309. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NBTC_Journal/article/view/244787



Research article