From Censorship to “Sovereign Internet”: Development of Media Regulation in Russia


  • Nattanop Palahan School of Journalism and Mass Communications, St Petersburg University St Petersburg


Media Regulation, Russian Media, Information Security, Censorship, Sovereign Internet


This article aims to study history and development of Media Regulation in Russian Federation by using following related documents on developments of Media Regulation before and after the fall of the Soviet Union: 12 Soviet Union (1917-1991) legal documents and Russian Federation (1991-present) legal documents, along with other related historical researches and news publications. The result shows that in Russian Federation, the development of information and communication has always been under the non-democratic regime. The country has been continuously under information control. Media Regulation had been largely developed in Socialist era, when media had the serious role of ideological propaganda. The present state of Media Regulation in Russian Federation is following the country’s foreign policy, which tends to be more confronting with western democratic values, and the country domestic policy of controlling domestic ideological dynamics. Media regulation in Russia has also been developed with the advancement of information and communication under different regimes.


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How to Cite

Nattanop Palahan. (2021). From Censorship to “Sovereign Internet”: Development of Media Regulation in Russia. Journal of Digital Communications, 5(5), 335–354. Retrieved from



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